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Find product details below for our 6x6 Angelique, Basralocus Tropical Hardwood Timber Posts
Heartwood reddish-brown-gray to reddish- or yellowish-brown sharply demarcated from narrow brownish-white sapwood. Texture medium; unusual subsurface luster; grain usually straight, sometimes somewhat interlocked; no distinctive odor or taste. Vessels are prominent as long brown lines on side grain producing an attractive figure. Silica content reported 0.20 to 1.70% and as high as 2.92%.
Clear grade material is color matched in most species of wood. This is the highest grade available in flooring items. No open defects are allowed and material is 100% heartwood. No breaks, no splits, no cracks. In tropical flooring, tight knots and burls are typically downgraded from Clear to Select grade.
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