Featuring: Exterior Wood Decking, siding in Batu, Red Balau, Cumaru
Ipe, Tigerwood and Batu decking specialists. We have over 14 years of experience in hardwood decking.
Specialty Forest Products was the first Hardwood Wholesale Company to distribute Ipe into the Pacific Northwest. Our 14 years of experience has given us the competitve edge for exterior hardwood decking. We take very seriously the perfomance of any exterior decking and now are excited to offer Nova's Red Balau. We sell only through dealers and retailers and would be glad to recomend our partners in the puget sound region.
Products: Exterior Wood Decking, siding
Species: Batu, Red Balau, Cumaru
Services: We sell through leading retailers throughout the Northwest.
Specialty Forest Products Inc.
306 Ellingson Road
Algona, WA 98001
Phone: (800) 228 1263
Fax: (253) 939 0902
email: mikem@specialtyforest.com
web site: /where-to-buy
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