Angelique is a well known timber often used in marine applications.

Angelique, Basralocus

  • Description: Heartwood reddish-brown-gray to reddish- or yellowish-brown sharply demarcated from narrow brownish-white sapwood. Texture medium; unusual subsurface luster; grain usually straight, sometimes somewhat interlocked; no distinctive odor or taste. Vessels are prominent as long brown lines on side grain producing an attractive figure. Silica content reported 0.20 to 1.70% and as high as 2.92%.
  • More Info: Basralocus, also known as Angelique, is a fairly large species of tree found in Guyana, French Guyana, Surinam and Brazil. A versatile hardwood, Angelique can be used for both interior and exterior applications and is especially popular for use in decking and marine construction. The wood is dimensionally stable and has a nice, warm, caramel brown color.
  • Other Names: Dicorynia guianensis, Dicorynia paraensis, Angelica do Para, Tapaiuana, Barakaroeballi, Basralokus
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Angelique, Basralocus Lumber Scientific Properties and Technical Specifications

  • Janka Hardness: 1,290 pounds
  • Strength (MOR): 17,390 psi
  • Stiffness (MOE): 2,190 1000 psi
  • Density (KG/m3): 650
  • Color: Color turns bronze brown or purplish brown with air. Sometimes, presence of internal stresses. Sap is clearly demarcated.
  • Photosensitivity: Yes
  • Tangential Shrinkage: 8.2%
  • Radial Shrinkage: 5.1%
  • Family: Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (angiosperm)
  • Tree Characteristics: Well-formed tree to a height of 150 ft and diameters to 5 ft but more commonly to 3 ft. Boles are clear for 60 to 80 ft over heavy buttresses.
  • Geographic Area: Abundant in eastern Surinam and western French Guiana where it may make up 10% of the forest stands. Best growth on deep, loamy, well drained soils of lowland plains but also found in wet areas.
  • Texture: Medium texture
  • Grain: Straight grain
  • Luster: Unusual sub-surface luster
  • Durability Rating: Heartwood is resistant to very resistant to attack by decay fungi but is somewhat susceptible to dry-wood termites. The wood is resistant to attack by marine borers.
  • Drying Characteristics: Moderately difficult to season, dries rapidly but with a tendency to moderate checking and slight warping. Reported to hold its place well after manufacture. Heartwood quite resistant to moisture absorption.
  • Working Characteristics: Working properties vary according to density and silica content but generally works well and finishes smoothly. Specially tipped cutters are suggested particularly for dried wood. Glues well.
  • Applications: Marine construction and general heavy construction, railroad crossties, industrial flooring, ship decking, planking, and framing, piling, parquet blocks and strip.

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