Cumaru Brazilian Teak Hardwood Flooring Spotlight

By Suzanne Hendrix, 03/15/13

Welcome back to the Nova USA Wood blog, the most in-depth hardwood species series on the web. Decking season is just kicking in, so today's blog is a product spotlight on one of the most sought after decking hardwoods available, Cumaru.

Cumaru, also referred to as Brazilian Teak, is the lighter, color-sorted, pieces of regular Cumaru. Cumaru flooring is commonly sorted into Light and Dark shades. The Dark colored pieces are typically sold as Dark/Red Cumaru or Brazilian Chestnut while the Light colored pieces have assumed the name Brazilian Teak. In lower non-color sorted grades the species is simply referred to as Cumaru.

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Light Cumaru

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Dark Cumaru

Cumaru/Brazilian Teak is a beautiful tannish to dark brown color with shades of yellow and caramel throughout. The grain of the species is interlocked and wavy with a coarse texture. Cumaru is exceptionally hard with a Janka rating of 3200; 36% harder than Brazilian Cherry. From a stability stand-point Cumaru can be temperamental, especially in wider widths that are being installed in dry/arid climates. Proper installation procedures should be strictly adhered to when working with this species.

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Cumaru Hardwood Decking

Of the five core flooring species imported from South America (Brazilian Cherry, Ipe, Cumaru, Tigerwood and Santos Mahogany) only Brazilian Teak offers that warm, neutral, tannish-brown color so many customers ask for. That's not to say Brazilian Teak is more elegant, or better, than the other species, but aesthetically speaking it is in a category by itself.

Nova USA imports Cumaru/Brazilian Teak in 3/4" x 3", 3-1/4", 4", & 5" widths. The product is Clear grade with 1'-7' lengths and is available both Prefinished and Unfinished.

If you have any questions regarding this species, or any of our other products, please don't hesitate to contact us.

By Suzanne Hendrix, 03/15/13

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