Meranti Batu, Mahogany Decking from Indonesia

By Steve Getsiv, 09/10/09

Meranti Flooring

Where does Meranti Batu come from?

Meranti Batu / Red Balau is Shorea species (principally S. kunstleri, S. guiso, S. collina, S. ochrophloia). The species is a medium to large hardwood tree, often buttressed, with a straight cylindrical bole between 30 and 50 m long. Shorea spp. grow across a variety of areas in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Local names include Red selangan, Urat Mata, Selangan Merah (Sabah,Sarawak), Chan (Thailand), Guijo (Phillipines), Giso and Membatu (Indonesia).

Why is it a better option than all the other tropical decking options?

Meranti Batu is the first choice for any job that requires a superior finish, natural durability and time tested, long lasting performance. Meranti Batu is very durable and resists cupping, splintering and twisting. It is very strong and heavy, is low-maintenance, and will not shrink. Due to its high durabiliity, homeowners may choose to seal the wood and maintain its natural color or allow it to weather to a silver-gray while remaining smooth and splinter-free. With a rich natural beauty and hardiness that is not easily found in other decking materials, Meranti Batu is the natural answer for exterior decking applications.

Should I buy Meranti Batu Decking from Nova?

At Nova, we carefully inspect each load of decking before shipment. Our Meranti Batu decking is graded for appearance as well as strength. We carefully select only the finest timbers to provide you with a nearly blemish free decking with excellent color consistency and superior strength and durability. Nova's Meranti Batu decking contains only heartwood, the tight-grained, slow-growth part of the tree which is rot-resistant and can last as long as three decades. Faster-growing, light-colored sapwood has less natural rot resistance and durability.

By Steve Getsiv, 09/10/09

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